How will people understand what they've not heard, and how will they hear when they've not been spoken to? 

The impacts of human-induced climate change are evident on a local scale. Organize a Green Talk today in your community to educate people on climate change and sustainability. Diverse sustainability topics that could be discussed include but not limited to transportation, industry, agriculture, architecture, energy, businesses, manufacturing, oil and gas. You could also contact us to request a speaker from the Green Institute

Guidelines for hosting a Green Talk

  1. Pick a topic: From the topics mentioned above, choose one that best describes the condition of your community and expand on it. Think local before going global. Kindly fill out the form below if you need help in selecting a topic or need educational resources.

  2. Choose a venue: Decide from the onset what venue would be suited for your discussion. 

  3. Send out an invitation: Invite family, friends, and neighbors to participate in the discussion.

  4. Have a brief session for refreshment: The timeframe for the discussion shouldn't be overbearing and at a stretch. If you decide to spend long hours, strategize on how to incorporate periods of intermittent refreshment.

  5. Set goals: The Green Talk should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based. It would help if you did not lose sight of this.

  6. Follow up: Send a survey to all participants to evaluate the effectiveness of the Green Talk. Send photos and videos to We would love to feature you on all our platforms. You can also tag us on social media @theGreenHQ or use the #GreenTalk. If any of the participants would like to organize a Green Talk in their community, kindly refer them to our website.

  7. Check-in: If you have questions, feedback, or ideas for improving this process, email them to with "Green Talk" in the subject line. We would love to hear your stories and results.