Entandrophragma cylindricum

NAME: Entandrophragma cylindricum

FAMILY: Meliaceae

COMMON NAMES: Sapele, African mahogany, Sapelli

LOCAL NAMES: Assi (Ivory Coast), Sapele (Nigeria), Tiama (Cameroon)

MORPHOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION: Entandrophragma cylindricum is a large deciduous tree that can reach heights of up to 45 meters. It has a straight and cylindrical trunk with a diameter of about 1-2 meters. The bark is smooth and grayish-brown in color. The leaves are pinnate, arranged in an alternate manner, and composed of multiple leaflets that are elliptical or lanceolate in shape, measuring approximately 8-15 centimeters in length. The tree produces small, fragrant, yellowish-white flowers that are arranged in large panicles. The fruits are capsule-like and contain winged seeds that are dispersed by wind.

USEFUL PART(s): The timber from Entandrophragma cylindricum is the most commonly used part.


  1. Timber: Entandrophragma cylindricum is highly valued for its timber, which is known as Sapele or African mahogany. The wood is durable, moderately heavy, and exhibits a distinctive reddish-brown color with a pronounced grain pattern. It is widely used in furniture making, cabinetry, flooring, veneer, musical instruments, and boatbuilding.

GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION: Entandrophragma cylindricum is native to tropical regions of West and Central Africa. It is found in countries such as Nigeria, Cameroon, Ghana, Ivory Coast, and Congo.

WHY IS IT GREEN? Entandrophragma cylindricum, like other plants, appears green due to the presence of chlorophyll in its leaves. Chlorophyll is a pigment that captures sunlight and facilitates the process of photosynthesis. It absorbs red and blue light while reflecting green light, giving plants their characteristic green color.

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Entandrophragma cylindricum has both positive and negative environmental impacts. As a large tree, it provides habitat and shelter for various species, contributes to forest biodiversity, and helps maintain ecosystem balance. However, overexploitation of its timber has led to deforestation and habitat loss in some regions. Sustainable forestry practices and conservation efforts are crucial to ensure the long-term viability of this species.

FUN FACT: The wood of Entandrophragma cylindricum, Sapele, is highly valued for its aesthetic appeal and tonal qualities. It is a popular choice among guitar makers and is used in the construction of high-quality acoustic guitars. The wood's rich color and resonance contribute to the instrument's warm and balanced sound.

Further Reading:

  1. "Entandrophragma cylindricum (Sapele): A Major Timber Species from Tropical Africa." By F.J. Essien and others.

  2. "Genetic Diversity of Sapele (Entandrophragma cylindricum (Sprague) Sprague) in Ghana Using ISSR Markers." By F. Oppong-Sekyere and others.

  3. "Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities of Extracts from Entandrophragma cylindricum Bark." By P.C. Adeyemi and others.