Elephantopus scaber

Elephantopus scaber

NAME: Elephantopus scaber

FAMILY: Asteraceae

COMMON NAMES: Elephant's Foot, Prickly Elephant's Foot, Elephant's Ear

LOCAL NAMES: Vilati Akkota (India), Japica (Brazil), Ungu babi (Indonesia)

MORPHOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION: Elephantopus scaber is a perennial herbaceous plant that typically grows to a height of 30-90 centimeters. It has a rosette of basal leaves and produces flowering stems with smaller leaves. The leaves are thick, lance-shaped, and have serrated edges. The plant bears inflorescences with numerous small, tubular flowers that are white or pale lavender in color. After pollination, the flowers produce small, dry fruits containing seeds.

USEFUL PART(s): The leaves and roots of Elephantopus scaber are the most commonly used parts of the plant.


  1. Traditional Medicine: Elephantopus scaber has a long history of use in traditional medicine systems. The leaves and roots are used to prepare herbal remedies for various ailments, including respiratory conditions, digestive disorders, skin diseases, and inflammation. It is also used as a diuretic and to promote wound healing.

  2. Culinary Uses: In some cultures, the young leaves of Elephantopus scaber are consumed as a vegetable. They are often cooked or added to soups and stews for their nutritional value and unique flavor.

GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION: Elephantopus scaber is native to tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, Africa, and the Americas. It can be found in countries such as India, Brazil, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Mexico. It tends to thrive in open areas, including grasslands, fields, and disturbed habitats.

WHY IS IT GREEN? Elephantopus scaber, like all plants, appears green due to the presence of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a pigment found in the chloroplasts of plant cells and is responsible for capturing sunlight and converting it into chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis. The green color arises from chlorophyll's ability to absorb light in the red and blue regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, while reflecting green light.

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Elephantopus scaber is not known to have significant negative environmental impacts. It is a resilient plant that can tolerate a range of environmental conditions. However, as with any plant species, its introduction to new habitats outside its native range could potentially lead to unintended ecological consequences.

FUN FACT: The common name "Elephant's Foot" is inspired by the shape and appearance of the plant's basal leaves, which resemble the foot of an elephant. This unique characteristic gives the plant its distinctive and memorable name.

Further Reading:

  • "Medicinal Plants in Tropical Countries: Traditional Use, Experience, Facts" by T. M. Vogl and W. Sticher

  • "Ethnobotany: Evolution of a Discipline" by R. Schultes and S. von Reis