
Gomphrena globosa

NAME: Gomphrena globosa

FAMILY: Amaranthaceae

COMMON NAMES: Globe Amaranth, Bachelor's Button, Makhmali

LOCAL NAMES: Gomphrena (English), Vadamalli (Tamil), Gulmehandi (Hindi)

MORPHOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION: Gomphrena globosa, commonly known as Globe Amaranth, is a vibrant and eye-catching flowering plant. It features dense, globe-shaped flower clusters that come in various colors including shades of pink, purple, red, and white. The small, papery flowers are tightly packed and sit atop long, slender stems. The plant typically grows to a height of about 12-24 inches and displays a visually appealing, long-lasting bloom.

USEFUL PART(s): The vibrant and colorful flower heads of Gomphrena globosa are the most commonly used part of the plant.


  1. Ornamental: Gomphrena globosa is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant in gardens and landscapes due to its striking and long-lasting flowers. It's often used in flower arrangements and dried flower crafts.

  2. Medicinal: In traditional medicine, Gomphrena globosa has been used for its potential diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. However, its medicinal uses require further scientific validation.

GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION: Gomphrena globosa is native to Central and South America but has been introduced and cultivated in various parts of the world due to its ornamental value.

WHY IS IT GREEN? Gomphrena globosa is green not only in its physical color but also in terms of its environmental benefits. As an ornamental plant, it contributes to green spaces and beautifies landscapes. Additionally, its cultivation can promote biodiversity by attracting pollinators and supporting ecosystems.


  1. Pollinator Support: The vibrant flowers of Gomphrena globosa attract bees, butterflies, and other pollinators, helping to support local pollinator populations.

  2. Carbon Sequestration: Like many plants, Gomphrena globosa contributes to carbon sequestration, helping to mitigate the impacts of climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

  3. Minimal Water Requirements: This plant is relatively drought-tolerant once established, reducing the strain on water resources.

FUN FACT: The name "Gomphrena" is derived from the Greek words "gomphe," meaning "a club," and "rena," meaning "to draw in," referring to the shape of the flower heads.

FURTHER READING: For more information on Gomphrena globosa and its cultivation, uses, and potential benefits, you can explore horticultural resources, gardening guides, and botanical literature related to ornamental plants and traditional medicine.